Contact us!
Thomas Jung
Thomas Jung
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 18-20
D-35423 Lich
+49 6404 9142-813 [email protected]


Premium Product

BRANObox, as a VCI emitter, not only offers reliable corrosion protection but above all a clean and simple solution for transport and storage.

BRANObox does away with the kind of dust particles or residue on components that are often associated with emitters containing VCI powders or VCI tablets.

BRANObox is a corrosion protection emitter that is head and shoulders above earlier VCI emitters when it comes to efficiency and effectiveness.

The break-proof plastic box contains a specially developed “VCI pleat” for fast and secure corrosion protection with a long-lasting depot effect.

Thomas Jung
Thomas Jung
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 18-20
D-35423 Lich
+49 6404 9142-813 [email protected]
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