Contact us!
Thomas Jung
Thomas Jung
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 18-20
D-35423 Lich
+49 6404 9142-813 [email protected]


Premium Product

For over 50 years, BRANOrost has been recognised as the leading corrosion protection paper on the market for temporary corrosion protection, where it has proven itself time and time again. The brand’s quality and reliability are based on many years of experience in production processes and development know-how. The global service that is closely associated with the BRANOrost brand – including analysis, consultation and training – is the only one of its kind on the market.

BRANOrost VCI corrosion protection papers are high-quality kraft papers and grey paperboards with the tried and trusted premium VCI quality of BRANOpac for outstanding protection.

BRANOrost papers are effective on both sides, either when in contact with the goods or at a distance. BRANOrost Premium corrosion protection papers are highly versatile and can be used for wrapping parts individually, as interleavings, for lining entire containers or as VCI emitters.

Examples of usage:

Thomas Jung
Thomas Jung
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 18-20
D-35423 Lich
+49 6404 9142-813 [email protected]
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