Even after 30 years needles are corrosion free thanks to BRANOrost

Even after 30 years needles are corrosion free thanks to BRANOrost

30 Jahre BRANOrost


If anyone wanted to find one of our BRANOrost papers with an old Brangs + Heinrich print, this would probably be like the familiar search for the needle in a haystack. Unless you find the paper directly in a pack of needles. This is what happened last week to the wife of one of our employees. At the clearance sale of a haberdashery shop with a long tradition, located in the same town as the BRANOpac headquarter, Lich, she got hold of four packets of needles. What initially does not sound like newsworthy, was nevertheless a surprise for BRANOpac. Because besides the needles, our BRANOrost paper was also in the packaging.


The interesting feature: In addition to our well-known BRANO diamond printing and the inscription "BRANOrost" the paper had an addition, which has not been printed in this form for 30 years: "Brangs + Heinrich" with Eschborn address. This not only means that the paper had already made its way from Eschborn into a small haberdashery to Lich, but also that our paper has reliably protected the needles against corrosion for at least 30 years. With that, we can rightly say that we offer system with solutions - sometimes even over decades.