Ugandan group visits BRANOpac as a German Industrial Company

BRANOpac welcomes visiters from Uganda in the context of an Ugandan vocational training project.

 guided tour through production
Group picture

A dual vocational training system based on the model of Germany – that is the goal that Lezon Mark Mugwanya of the Ugandan organization „Sosolya Undugu Family Academy“ set for himself. This is so special, as a vocational training system which is being performed by many German companies such as BRANOpac is not standard at all. To gain more insights and ideas for the project, Mr Mugwanya – also the founder of the organization – is currently visiting Germany. Within the scope of the project “KinderKulturKarawane” it was also made possible for a number of young Ugandans to gain insights in this area.

Mid of October the whole group visited the industrial company BRANOpac. Gaining more knowledge about a German company with deep roots, understanding which persons and departments are involved in the process from a raw paper to a finished product and experiencing all that live in the BRANOpac production halls is the one side. Through the visit at BRANOpac a good amount of information regarding the topic “vocational training” could be transferred to the group and shown in a very close way as well. With a musical performance the group expressed their gratitude in the end – a moment of goosebumps!

For BRANOpac the visit was a very special experience, as the already gained knowledge regarding the topic vocational training could be forwarded in this way in order to support a great project and to further enrich this admirable commitment.

BRANOpac – worldwide commitment.